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A member registered Feb 13, 2021

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Really great submission!

Quite apocalyptic which is very fitting to the theme. The graphics are simply beautiful. Everything was really well designed, I think the bullets can be slightly increased in size. The audio was really well made! I really liked the variety of the guns and power ups, I think a little timer would be helpful to signify how long it will last. I didn’t have a controller to aiming was a bit difficult with the keyboard controls but overall I really enjoyed the game!

I hope you get a chance to check out our game as well.

Hello, well done on your submission.

I think your concept was brilliant for the theme. I was surprised to see a cutscene in the beginning as not many games have that. I think you could add some instructions at the beginning as well. There is a good variety of mechanics and I think the gameplay was well thought out of. However the spawn speed was rather slow which led to a lot of waiting and that took away from the overall “chaotic” experience. I think speeding it up would make the game more challenging. Very fun and interesting idea overall! Great job.

I hope you get the chance to check out our game as well.

Hello, good job on your submission. The UI is very impressive, the menu looks really well put together, the music is nice and it’s impressive that you made a 3D game. The random controls kept a sense of suspense but were a bit difficult to get a hold of at times. I had a bug with the pickup mechanics but overall this was a very fun game. Well done!

I hope you get to check out our game as well.

Hello, nice job on this game.

First of all I like how the game is structured and I think the level of difficulty is well planned through out. The audio was really cute as well! I think the graphics were simple and complimented the game well but there was a bug with the launcher. I think having more instructions could be helpful. I like your approach to the theme. Overall, this is a great job for a jam!

I hope you get to check out our game as well. 

Nice job! It was a little difficult to get it running. I had a hard time collecting coins but I really enjoyed it. I think the assets you chose are also really cute. Kudos! 

I hope you get to check out and rate our game as well. 

The jumps were a little bit difficult to control which was disorienting at times but I still really enjoyed the game. I like the concept behind the game as well and I think the assets and sounds you chose fit very well into it. Thank you for making and sharing this. I hope you get to play and rate our game as well!

You're still learning and you made a full game! You should be proud of yourself. The game is playable and enjoyable which is great. Keep on making games. I hope you get to check out and rate our game as well. 

The game is simple and entertaining, I think it fits the theme in a pretty straight forward way. I know the assets are "just boxes" but I think the color choices and smears you added gave it life and a style of its own. Good job! 

I hope you try and rate our game as well! 

The enemies are able to target me before they're in my line of sight at times, I think you can reduce their aim range to fix that. But I still really enjoyed the game play. The art style is simple which is a good balance for how cluttered the screen gets. Great job! Feel free to try and rate our game as well!

I'm not sure if you made the assets yourself but they're wonderful. I really liked the game play, even if it was too fast at times, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for making this, it was fun and I hope you take the time to play and rate our game as well!

I like the mechanics of the game and I think the assets were pretty nice too.

I hope you check out our game as well if you'd like!

Nice! I like the art style a lot. I think overall it fits the theme pretty well.

Thank you so much for making this, I hope you try out and rate our game as well!

It's okay! it was fun! You tried and this was pretty good! 

Feel free to check out our game as well!

Simple and effective. Pretty entertaining and my little sister loved it.

Feel free to check out our submission and rate it as well if you want!

Love it! The music is so good, it builds up well as you play it. The art style is captivating! The game play is pretty fun. Very hectic, a bullet hell was a great choice,  super fitting for the theme of chaos.